Call us, we'd love to talk0131 228 40300131 228 3060Bite Dentistry, 30 Glen Street, Edinburgh EH3 9JE

Dental Implant Treatments

Older couple smiling at the camera over an iPad

Dental Implants Treatments - The gold standard for replacing missing teeth

about Dental Implants Treatments
Woman in orange top laughing as she feeds potato crisps to a man in a blue shirt

Missing Teeth Treatments - Restore your smile to its former glory with dental implants

about Missing Teeth Treatments
Older woman smiling and biting into a green apple

Secure a Denture Treatments - Dental adhesive can be a thing of the past

about Secure a Denture Treatments
Older couple smiling and leaning into each other at a picnic table

Multiple Missing Teeth - Return to life with a full set of teeth and improved confidence

about Multiple Missing Teeth

Full Arch Implants - Restore your smile and your mouth’s function with full arch implants

about Full Arch Implants

Talk to us

Tell us what you're thinking
about changing

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We offer a free no obligation
consultaion and estimate

Affordable terms

Treatment is more cost effective
than you think

Book an appointment with us

Here at Bite Dentistry we provide the best, most effective and long-lasting solutions for people of all ages, from the beginning of their life through to the end.

We can help every type of patient from someone who is missing just one tooth, through to people who have no teeth at all and everyone in between. If you would like to know more about any of our treatments, our friendly team can take you through all the options available to you. Please complete the form or contact us on: 0131 2284030

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